Tear Collection Kit Activation
Thank you for participating in the Imaginarium of Tears Project. By completing the activation form we can link your The Collection Kit with your unique genuine tear. Once your genuine tear is received we will turn it into a unique work of art. Depending on your purchase we will provide you with the according artwork type.
Please follow the activation steps: 1.) Tear Collection Kit Identification 2.) Personal Information 3.) Tear information 4.) Contact information 5.) Summery & submitting 6.) Return Address Information! Please be aware to check the return address information and if needed change it to our new address information:
Maurice Mikkers Newtonstraat 296 2562KZ, The Hague The Netherlands
Step 1: Identification:
You can find your unique ID on ether the form or the reaction tube that came with the kit.
Step 2: Personal Information:
When displaying your tear as an artwork in our gallery we will use your first name, together with your age, and gender. Other provided information will only be kept for internal use.
Step 3: Tear Information:
We ask you to provide us with some personal details and information about the unique genuine tear that was shed.
Step 4: Contact Information:
This information is only used for handling the artworks and communication between you and Imaginarium of Tears.
Imagirarium of Tears apriciates your participation, to optimise your experiance we would like to ask you some extra questions.
Step 5: Summery:
Please check if all information is correct.
Step 6: Return Address Information: Please be aware to check the return address information and if needed change it to our new address information: