Mini Tear Collection Kit Manual

This manual is for the mini tear collection kits that are made available at the Vrijhof Cultuur / Universiteit Twente. Please follow the instructions below, and take your collected tear(s) back on Tuesday the 4th of October 2022.

The collected tears can be handed in starting at 19:00 at:

During the Studium Generale of Ad Vingerhoets (19:30 to 21:00) these tears will be crystalised, at the end of the Studium Generale your tear can be viewed live under the microscope*.

Tear Collection Kit contents:

1x Pasteurpipet
1x Collection tube

Tips & Tricks

These tips and tricks might help you during the collection of tears. Got any tips? Please share them with us!

– Make sure you are not wearing any makeup, and that the area around your eyes is clean before capturing your unique tears.
– Have a mirror at hand if you are collecting tears yourself. Otherwise ask someone else to capture your tears.
– Only get tears that are close around the eye or on your cheek, don’t use the pipet to get fluids from the eye.
– You can use the same pipet several times between capturing and dispensing your tears in the reaction tube while shedding tears.
– Please provide us with tears only, don’t put any thing else in the reaction tube.

Tear Collection

When collecting tears we want you to follow these instructions.

– Have a mirror, an open the reaction tube, and a pipet at hand before you start crying.
– Once you start crying, tilt back your head.This makes it easier to capture your tears. Since they otherwise roll too far down your cheek.
– Squeeze the round end of the pipet between your thumb and index finger.
– Move the tip of the pipet towards the tear on your cheek.
– Gently release the pressure on the round end of the pipet, this will make sure the tear fluid is forced up the pipet.
– Put the pipet tip into the reaction tube and squeeze the round end with your thumb and index finger. This will release the tear drop fluid into the reaction tube.

During the first few drops, it might happen that the tear fluid is not coming out of the pipet. Keep collecting tears like described above until the pipet is releasing tear drops into the reaction tube. It’s important we get enough tear fluid, which means we need at least 0.15ml (which is marked on the tube) of tear fluid in 1 single reaction tube from one crying session.


If you have any questions, problems, tips and or feedback regarding this Tear Collection kit please contact us: [email protected]

Below you can download the orgininal Tear Collection Kit Manual in:
Englisch | Dutch

*Take in mind this Mini Tear Collection Kit is only valid during the event on 4th of October. The kit only allows you to view the tear under a microscope, it will not be turned into a unique work of art. If you are interested in turning your tear into a work of art please check our webshop.